Wednesday, 14 March 2007

Getting a name for yourself

Welcome back ye scallywags. Well the time will come when one desires a name for oneself, a fitting name for a son of the sea. Some my find the name them selves, others will have a name forced upon them. But what of those who need a name but are not yet worthy enough to have earned one?

Well I myself have taken the name Captain Dan the Lion, a fitting name for a fierce warrior of the seas. But for you swashbucklers who lack the brains of a captain I bring you this pirate name generator. Two of me finest warrors, currently be going by the the names of Ashley Nurkam and Hugh Maltby, they need them some proper pirating names.
Click here for the pirate name generator
Ashley Nurcombe has Jaques Birdbrain and Hugh Maltby Fish Breath Ian. Be the names true or not, they be about as bad as names can get.
Don’t be lazy, ya scallywags work out ye own name.

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