Wednesday, 2 May 2007

Bon Voyage

Avast ya swabs, it be time for me to be setting sail for now. If I stick around gabbling much longer I be likely to fail me trial. (This blog is being assessed for a uni module)

I will return after the assessment. ARRGH!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, 1 May 2007

Pirates of the Caribbean scratch card

Ahoy their me hearties.
Wile on one of me many voyages, I be coming across some booty. Gambling these scratch cards can be a nice way to increase me treasure horde.

An here be me in action, Arrgh!

Arrgh, I be having no luck with these.
The coin I used was pirate treasure.

Saturday, 28 April 2007

The Captains Ship

Isn’t she a grand vessel? She is currently in a dry dock at the moment but she will be ocean bound soon enough.

Also here be the captain and his ship together

A ship is the greatest treasure a man can have. After all a ship is freedom! And what is a pirate if not free?
Either on the hang mans noose or deep down in the crushing darkness of Davie Jones locker.

Thursday, 26 April 2007

Pirates of the Caribbean At Worlds Edge Preview

Well look what we be getting for us here, another visit from Captain Jack Sparrow. Last time we saw him he was in the belly of the Kraken.
This be the third of his adventures that we be seeing and any man who has not seen the other two is a sorry excuse for a pirate.

Now the big question that vexes us, how is he going to escape this grizzly fate? Well they aren’t about to give away all their secrets.

Now also, we be getting a game to be playing. Let’s hope it plays as good as it looks or someone will be walking the plank.

Friday, 20 April 2007

Pirates of the Caribbean Desktop Galleon Review

This could quite possibly be the best thing ever, it isn’t but it could be, maybe….
In some ultimate universe where there aren’t any good things….

The thing that makes this game/activity so…. I’d like to say great but is isn’t great so I’m going to have to go with the word worthwhile. Well what makes it worthwhile is that it’s free. So its competition is flash games and the free games that come with your PC. What puts I above flash games is that you don’t need your internet connection to be active wile you play. This is handy for those of you still suffering the pain of 56k (or worse).

So how did I find it? Well I was looking for information on the Pirates of the Caribbean massive multiplayer role playing game (MMORPG), but that’s a story for another day.
Anyway wile looking around the official site I found this, the desktop galleon.

All it is really is just navy battles. Very much in the style of Tortuga, although instead of blue water the battles take place over your desktop. In my case pink, with lots of writing saying ‘I love you’, sometimes a guy needs to feel special (it wasn’t me who made it, it was my girlfriend).

Although similar to Tortuga it is more Arcady, with power ups and lives, as you would expect from a free game given out to make the fans happy. It also has a neat touch in the form of its music. Being an official release it also includes an official sound track.
The game also contains ‘treasure’ in the form of design sketches which are awarded to you for progressing around the map. Although not amazing by any stretch of the imagination it gives you a nice goal to aim for.

My one problem with the game is that occasionally by accident you can click onto a desktop icon, this stops you from being able to control you ship, yet they can still shoot at you.

So should you get it? Yes, you should, it’s the kind of game you can get away with playing at work or school and it’s free. Free and better then some games you have to pay for.

You can get the game here, but take some time to have a look around the site.
Click here for the download page

Saturday, 14 April 2007

Pirates of the Caribbean RPG, Video Game Review

It’s been a wile but it’s time for another review!
This time I’m going to be talking about Pirates of the Caribbean for the PC. This was released following curse of the black pearl but has nothing to do with the film.
It is an open ended role playing game (RPG) incorporating navy battles and sword fights.

I purchased it at the same time as Tortuga and it’s taken me a wile to get round to playing it. It was a buy one get one free so I figured what the hell.
All I can really say about this game is ‘it’s a shame’.

The world feels realistic enough and fit’s in historically. Some people would say that they would prefer a game that incorporated the films plot. I disagree with this and think it’s quite refreshing for a computer game to add something new to a franchise.

However this isn’t to say I agree with their choice of character. In an open ended RPG the character doesn’t really impact the plot, it could be anyone. However they have seen fit to name the character with a generic name. They missed a very easy way to make me and other likeminded people feel more involved in the game, this may have even given it some form of immunity or paid back some of the damage of its god awful controls.

There are three different control methods to remember, out of battle, sword fighting and navy battle, meaning that allot of different keys end up being used, this is very award on a key board. The worst part of this is by far the fact that you have to press 3 or 4 keys to pick up stuff or talk to someone. Then there is the fighting where I’m not quite sure what was going on.

So the big question, is it worth buying?
For around £2.50, yes, it’s possible that there is an enjoyable game somewhere once you become accustomed to the controls, just be ready to feel disappointed. This will not make you feel like jack sparrow.
Market town, with shops and stalls.

The captains capin on board the ship.
The game world features a day and night cycle. Pictured here is a naval battle

Saturday, 7 April 2007

Dress the Part

Ahoy ye scallywags.
Now I can talk the talk, and I can walk the walk, but a pirate needs to look the part.

A pirate has to dress for comfort. He needs to be able to move when called upon. He can’t be wearing no garments that stop him from doing his job. So here be me shirt.

For them cold nights out at sea I be needing a coat.

Every man needs a hat. You can tell how great a man he his by how great his hat is. Only the best will do.

And finally, a worker needs his tools and a pirate needs his sword.

An here be yah swashbuckling pirate